Find Your Inspired Path & Purpose.
Make a Difference Doing Work You Love.
The Pathfinding Program has been designed to get you crystal clear on your unique professional path and purpose and to empower you to move forward with clarity, confidence, and inspiration.

You have precious and important gifts that the world needs, and it’s our mission to help you find what those are and how to express them through your work so that you can make a difference, doing work you love.
You’ll know you’re ready for the PATHFINDING program if …

You feel confused, lost, off-track, or just “meh” about your work.

You want to start your own business but you don’t know exactly what that business should be.

You’ve had children and you want to get back to work again, but your former professional career isn’t really compatible with motherhood.

You crave more freedom, flexibility, and fulfilment in your professional life.

You feel tired of the uncertainty, instability, and unpredictability in your professional field.

You feel like you can’t fully express your unique talents through your work in a way that feels meaningful and impactful.

You feel like you’re getting older and frustrated that you haven’t yet found ‘your thing’.

You just want to find an inspired career path that brings you good money and allows you to thrive.

You wish…

That you could feel more inspired in your professional life, while simultaneously feeling stable and secure, knowing that you can generate an abundant income no matter what kind of upheaval is going on in the world around you.

That you could be completely and utterly in love with your working life and feel like jumping out of bed each morning to get started.

That you could fully express your unique gifts and talents in a way that feels joyful, meaningful, impactful and fun!

That you could make a positive difference while doing work you love – and make great money doing it.

That you could just find your purpose and get on with it.

If that sounds like you, then the PATHFINDING
program is perfect for you!
We’re passionate about helping you discover your personal truth and to step into your full power so that you can make the impact
you’re here to make.
The truth is…

In order to experience genuine and lasting happiness and fulfillment in your work, it’s essential that you find a way to integrate these four critical elements into your working life.

Your Purpose is the path or vocation that allows you to express yourself fully and to contribute your unique gifts in service to something you care about while making a positive difference and earning you an abundant, reliable income.

During the Pathfinding program, we’ll help you
get clear on your 4 P’s:
Your Personality

What is your true nature? Who are you when you’re being your true, authentic self fully? What are the environments that allow you to thrive and be your best self? What is the unique impact you feel called to make? These are the kinds of questions you’ll be getting answers to.

We’ll be taking a look at your unique personality through the lens of three different (and powerful) personality tests that help you generate a deep level of self-awareness, which is critical to being able to find your purpose.

Your Proficiency
Everyone has their own unique ‘Zone of Genius’ composed of particular combinations of strengths. There are certain things that you do easily and effortlessly at a high level of competence. Perhaps they come so easily to you that you’re not even aware that others struggle with them.

We’ll be getting you clear on your unique strengths through the use of a variety of different strengths tests and exercises designed to clarify the strengths that compose your Zone of Genius.

Your Passion
Passion is the rocket fuel that keeps you feeling inspired and fulfilled, even during the tough times. Without passion, it’s easy to give up or get distracted.

You may feel as though you have many different passions and you’re not sure which one to focus on. Or perhaps you haven’t yet found what you’re truly passionate about. The techniques we use in this course will help you identify and articulate your passion, and they will also help you figure out how to weave your passion into your professional life in a way that feels deeply satisfying and allows you to thrive financially.


"Vocation is the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need."
― Frederick Buechner ―

When you find something that the world deeply needs, you’ll inevitably make great money. We’ll help you find a way to use your unique skills and gifts in a way that meets a societal need, and as a result, gives you the ability to earn great money, which is critical to your ability to thrive and make the impact you desire.
Tara Bailey
Founder of ADHD Support

"I learned something about myself in every module. My coach was amazing, and made me feel safe and cared about. Working with her was life-changing. I’ve felt lost on ‘my purpose’ my whole life but now I have found my calling. I’m very excited about my path ahead."

What’s Involved in the Pathfinding Program?

Pathfinding is a self-study program that runs over approximately 6 weeks, with one module per week. It's a journey of self-discovery in which you'll be invited to engage in some deep self-reflection to help you identify the 4 P’s of your 'Purpose Puzzle'. Where the four pieces overlap is your sweet spot where you're in flow, you're in your zone of genius and you love your work and life. It's your 'calling'.

We recommend you purchase private coaching sessions with one of our highly trained Fempire Coaches to get you crystal clear on your purpose, quickly.

What’s Included in the Program?

You'll have access to a web platform that contains six modules to work through at your own pace. We recommend trying to get through one module per week.

Each module contains a video tutorial, a worksheet, and a transcript. Here's an overview of the module content.

Introductory Self-Reflection

You'll be invited to engage in some reflection on important things like your current life priorities, your life's defining moments and the things that inspire you and are important to you.

Your Personality

We'll take you on a journey to reflect on your personality through different reflective techniques, including powerful personality tests that include The Enneagram, the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, the DISC profile (Tony Robbins' favourite personality test!) and other powerful techniques that have been proven to provide deep levels of self-awareness.

Your Proficiency (a.k.a. your strengths)

Knowing your own unique strengths intimately is essential to finding your purpose. As you’ll discover, strengths are more than just the things you’re good at. There are four critical qualities in a strength and once you find what yours are, you’ll be on your way to professional bliss! We'll help you clearly identify your unique 'zone of genius'. You'll be led through a series of assessments and questions that very specifically identify your natural strengths so that you can consciously choose to play to your strengths, which is where life gets fun and exciting!

Your Passion

You'll be led through a powerful process to uncover your passion, which we know is the 'secret sauce' to a truly fulfilling working life. It's not always easy to identify your passion, but we have processes that will help you get clear. Get ready to experience profound 'Ah-ha!' moments.


Where can you make money doing what you love? We'll help you find your answers.

Bringing it All Together

We'll help you bring all your findings together so that you can find your clarity and your purpose.

Want to get private coaching to help you find your clarity? No problem! We can help. We'll tell you exactly how you can reach out to get coaching if you haven't been able to find your clarity at the end of the program.

$499 USD
Find Your Inspired Path & Purpose.
What is it Costing You to Stay Stuck?
More time spinning your wheels and feeling confused? More
frustration and lack of focus?
Clarity is priceless.
Let us help you get clear, confident, and focused now!
Victoria Eastwood
Founder of Terra Firma Dreaming

"I now understand really clearly where my passion and ambitions lie, and I’m on my way to creating my beautiful future! I’m so excited about what lies ahead now and I’m so grateful to my coach for helping me on my way."

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